Here's a collection of assorted photos from my time in Istanbul that didn't really fit in anywhere else.
This striking mansion is located along the Bosphorus between the the two bridges.
More info on it here.
I stumbled across this rally as I wandered around Istanbul. There was a large police presence outside this park to keep order. It was interesting to watch for a little bit, but my inability to speak Turkish hampered my ability to understand the particulars of this. I think the presence of Palestinian flags betrayed the general sentiment of the crowd.
The construction of Şehzade Mosque was ordered by Suleiman the Magnificent as a memorial for his son Şehzade, who died in 1543.
Originally erected by Pharaoh Thutmose III in Egypt, the obelisk was brought to Constantinople by the Romans in the 4th century AD.
More info here.
Dolmabahçe Palace was the home of the last sultans of the Ottoman Empire and was used as Atatürk's residence during his presidency.